Invitation To Be Undone To Be Re-done

There is an invitation from Father that wants to undo your thoughts in regards to what is truth. Over the years we have taken on thoughts that have become grounded truths in our lives. These truths have been made out of the best intentions but maybe they don't necessarily reflect God's truth. eg. Religion versus relationship: decisions made out of religion don't always reflect decisions made from relationship.

There is a setting apart as you grow in your relationship with Father and see from his heavenly perspective. We are seated in heavenly places to allow our thoughts, our decisions and our actions to flow from that position and view. The Lord is calling you up higher, gently removing your earthly thought patterns. He has compassion upon you as he sees your heart behind what led you to your truths. But the Lord is gently inviting you to be undone of things that are done in the name of religion and he wants the relationship with him to enlighten your understanding.

This is not from a place of judgement but of encouragement. As you continue to draw near to him, he is shaking of the old mindsets and replacing them with his eternal truths. So, if you're willing, be ready to accept the invitation to be undone in order to have your truths grounded in him.